Part Time English cum Chinese Instructor

Sai Wan Ho

Part Time English cum Chinese Instructor

工作內容 :

Teaching kids from 3-15 years old on subject of English or Chinese,教授英語課程(包括英語拼音,Grammer 等),Prepare materials for classes and workshops
薪金 :

每小時$80.00 - $300.00(視乎經驗而定), 有超時工作津貼 及表現獎金, 星期一至五: 下午3時至下午7時及星期六: 上...

要求學歷 :

Secondary 7; 1 Year(s) Experience Required; Fluent Cantonese ; Fair Putonghua ; Fluent English preferred; Able to read & write Chinese ; Able to read & write English ; Friendly, creative at work, patient & love working with children,Knowledge of pho


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